NH State Forest Fire Class Days

Class 1 - Very Low:
A day where a forest fire is not likely to start. Permits available on a Class 1 day.

Class 2 - Low:
A day that the fire danger is low, but it is possible for fires to start in light, flashy fuels, but will have a slow rate of spread. Permits available on a Class 2 day.

Class 3 - Moderate:
The fire danger is moderate and fine fuels in open areas and sunny slopes may spread easily. Permits issued pending conditions.

Class 4 - High:
The fire danger is high and fires will start easily from all causes. Fires will spread rapidly and increase in intensity rapidly meaning they will be hard to extinguish. Spot fires may occur and, except in early spring, will burn deep. Permits not available on a Class 4 day.

Class 5 - Extreme:
The fire danger is extreme and small fires will spread rapidly and be difficult to extinguish. Severe spotting may occur. Permits not available on a Class 5 day.